Monday, December 8, 2014

Just in case there is anyone out there reading this blog, the winners of the Halloween blog hop were Brandi and Cindi. They won a $25 voucher each from Amazaon. Nice.

For the rest of us, here's a little pick-me-up.

Gotta love a bit of outlander!

Friday, October 24, 2014

It's a Halloween Blog-Hop!

Happy Halloween everyone!
Is that the right thing to say?
I live in Australia and we don't actually do Halloween. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure what the whole thing's about (guilty sad face).

Not to worry though, I can improvise!

To be honest, Halloween is becoming a thing here in Oz, but I'm pretty sure no-one knows its origins or history, and it's all really about the fun of dressing up.

I can help with that.

Oh sorry... too Christmassy

What about this?

Oh wait, that wasn't actually a Halloween costume.
Hmm, this is proving harder that I thought.

Thankfully Beachwalk Press know what they're talking about and are giving two lucky winners a $25 gift certificate of your choice at Amazon, B&N or All Romance Ebooks.

Just leave a comment down in the 'comments' section and don't forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win.  Good luck!

Check out all the other posts from Beachwalk authors, who hopefully know more about Halloween than I do.

Monday, October 20, 2014


OK, so I watched Divergent. It was pretty good. Not my favourite movie ever, but hey.
I haven't read the book, and don't plan to do so. It was an interesting concept, even a little disturbing, and some of the dodgy acting was a bit of a turn off. But the best thing about it was definitely Theo James. Yummy yum cha
Here's a reminder.

So, as you can see, I'm really good at movie reviews!

Friday, October 17, 2014

It's been a while since I've written anything here, so I thought I'd better get my butt into gear with the upcoming release of my new book Dessert First.
There'll be blog hops and tours and everything that comes with a new release, so this is me preparing...

I'm planning on watching the movie Divergent tonight. All for this reason...

Mmm, yes please.
Catch my review in the next few days!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Day

We're just one sleep away from the most romantic day of the year. Or is it?
Most people I know brush off Valentine's Day as 'too American' and would rather save their anniversary date as the day for celebration. But personally, I am happy to add another event into the calendar. Surely there's nothing wrong with a little extra love and romance on February 14.

In my novella, The View from Here, a good chunk of the story takes place on Valentine's Day. Millie is feeling the strain of being single on such a romantic day, yet agrees to be part of a secret flash mob organised by her best friend's soon-to-be fiancé. When her fabulous back kick accidentally takes down the bad guy, Millie discovers the real reason why sexy plumber Adam dumped her all those weeks ago. There's a whole lot of love in the air and Valentine's Day ends up being far removed from the depressing night she'd anticipated.

As a writer I've always got an ear out listening to the way people talk about romance and love. It's interesting to realise that everyone is so different in the way they express affection. Some make phone calls to their loved one several times a day, while others constantly text. Flowers seem to make a lot of women happy, but for many, a simple hug is enough.

In relationships I think it's important for each person to feel respected and appreciated and Valentine's Day is a good excuse to show your partner how much they mean to you. Personally, flowers work for me, so if you're reading this hubby, there's the hint!

Hop on back to Annie's blog tomorrow for your chance to win some cool prizes, including books from the other authors on this blog hop (and me!)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thanks to everyone who has read my book and helped it soar up the Amazon charts! Very exciting stuff indeed.

Next week I'll be part of a blog hop chatting about the delights of Valentine's day, the most indulgent and loved up time of year. Stay tuned...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

This weekend you can buy my book for just 99 cents. Total bargain. Check it out!

99c! Weekend madness... the WHOLE Steam eReads catalogue has been reduced to 99c for the weekend. Contemporary, fantasy. paranormal, BDSM, rural, historical and more. Don't miss out!

Friday, January 31, 2014

New Blog!

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog.
This is all a bit new for me, so bear with me as I stumble my way through...

First up - did anyone just watch Ellen? Here's what you missed.

Yes it's the delicious Zac Efron, all grown up from his High School Musical days. Yum, yum, yum. Thank you Ellen for this pre-weekend treat!